
Getting Your Plant's Water Treated With The Best Industrial Water Treatment Chemicals - An Insight

Water is an essential component of any industry. And for industrial processes, it sometimes needs to undergo treatment with  water treatment chemicals  so that it turns fit to be reused or disposed of. This is also required when the raw water getting into an industrial plant needs to fulfil certain quality specifications for specific processes. The Major Types-   Water treatment is an extremely vital requirement for industrial processes. And it generally can be spread under four heads- water purification, wastewater treatment of boiler water and cooling water treatment. There may be other water treatment types in use at certain specific industrial plants, but the above mentioned are definitely the most prevalent ones. Importance of Water Treatment-   Sadly, a lot of industrial plant owners still consider water treatment an additional cost or a business luxury. But its importance cannot be overemphasised as it can benefit any business in hundreds of ways. After ...

Why it is Essential to Manage the Wastewater from Industries

Since decades we have been witnessing how industrial waste is being discarded in the water bodies such as rivers and coastal areas. This has led to an increase in water pollution. Not just that, polluting the water body increases the risk of life hazards and putting the eco-system and human life at stake. The industrial waste can be classified into different types depending on the type of industry, such as steel industry, textile, leather factory, petrochemical, refinery, paper factory, mining, metal, etc.  These industries discard pollutants like acids and salts, along with organic and inorganic chemicals. It is said that the amount of industrial wastewater is based on the technical process as pollutants are produced based on various types of processes. Just like wastewater, wastewater treatment is also unique to each industry. It is exclusively designed for treating a specific type of waster produced. For industrial wastewater treatment Australia , HydroChem Water S...

The Purpose Of a Cooling Tower Water Treatment System

Industries and factories almost always have a requirement for cooling towers, which further requires a need for a cooling tower water treatment system. Water used in parts of Australia for such purposes is not groundwater, but rather brackish or saline water. This means there is a very high level of impurities in the water, thus rendering their usability to a very minimal extent. If cooling towers are left untreated, it is most likely to result in organic growth, scaling, corrosion, and fouling. This results in a significant downgrade of the quality of cooling, productivity, plant downtime and requires costly equipment to replace. All of this means that there is an added unnecessary cost towards the company, and thus, they have to incur unwanted losses. In order to help you save money for your company or your building, you must first understand what a cooling tower is and how is it treated. A cooling tower treatment system is an arrangement wherein the water supplied is stripped ...